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Welcome to Christ Fellowship! We use WhatsApp to send announcements and prayer requests. To opt-in, use the following link:

Sunday, October 20, 2024

10:30am – Order of Worship

  • Gathering Hymn – Lion of Judah
  • Announcements
  • Call to Worship – 1 Timothy 6:13-16
  • Invocation
  • Hymn – God Be Merciful to Me
  • Hymn – Mighty to Save
  • Prayers of the People
  • Nursery Dismissal, Greeting
  • Sermon – Luke 17:11-19
  • Hymn – Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
  • Benediction

Prayer List

  • Church Family – this week, pray for: RICE (Kelvin), ROGERS (Luke, Anna, Ella), ROUTH (Kyle, Jessie, Parker, Payton, Keller)
  • Southaven Plant – in celebration of our 10th anniversary, let’s ask God to plant a new church in Southaven this year!
  • Toni O’Neal – please pray for Josh Muchmore and family in the sudden loss of his mother, Toni.
  • Suzie Snead – please pray for Don Stone in the loss of his sister (Roxanne and Jessie’s aunt).
  • Luke Rogers – pray for Luke as he recovers from a third back surgery.
  • Expecting Mom – Olivia Gard, Allee Kizer
  • Immigration – There are several families connected to CFC that are legally seeking residence in the US. Pray for this process.
  • Addiction – Numerous loved ones connected to our church continue to struggle with chemical dependencies.
  • Seriously Ill: Jeff Brady, Donnie Chambliss (Rachel Heun’s father), Michael Jackson (Evangeline Hardaway’s brother), Graham Keltner (Kristen McClure’s dad), Margaret St. Peter (Lacey Fitts’ mom), Nash Pleasant (Mary and Seth’s brother-in-law)


  • Women’s Breakfast – Oct 19
  • Family Night – Oct 23
  • Children’s Church – Oct 27
  • Adoption Class – Oct 27
  • Men’s Tribe Night – Nov 1
  • Lord’s Supper – Nov 3
  • International Potluck – Nov 10

If you’re interested in being Adopted by Christ Fellowship, or if you just want to learn more about us, the next class will be Sunday, October 27 at 12:00pm. Lunch will be provided. Register here.

We will have a Men’s Tribe Night on Friday, November 1, 7:00pm at Mike’s house. Bring a chair and your favorite beverages.

Ladies, please join us for a Baby Shower honoring Allee Kizer – Sunday, November 3 at 2:00pm at the home of Susan Stout. Please RSVP to Susan.

Our next church-wide event will be the International Potluck on Sunday, November 10 after worship. Please bring a dish that represents your culture. Use this link to register for a headcount.

If you want to help with relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, visit this link.

Join us every Sunday at 10:00am for Coffee & Treats in Bay 5! If you would like to volunteer to bring treats and help host, use this link.

Jessie will be leading Children’s Catechism every Sunday during fellowship time, between 10:10-10:25. Children K-5th are invited to come early, grab a treat, and meet in the bay 1 classroom. Younger children are also welcome to attend with a parent.

Family Night is every Wednesday at 6:00pm. We will enjoy food, fellowship, games, and teaching for adults, youth, and children. Nursery will also be available weekly! We’re having Zaxby’s this week. Use this link to register

We now have a Church Calendar! You can access it on the website or add it to your calendar app. Let Mike know if you need help.

In an effort to help us commit to regular Bible reading, I have added our church profile to YouVersion (the Bible app). Download the app, tap Discover, search for Christ Fellowship, and tap “Set as My Church”. Or use this link.

Looking for a way to serve the local community? Consider volunteering with the Dream Center! Use this link to sign-up:

We provide a Weekly Devotional using the sermon manuscript: ( We also have a Book Table! Prices are suggested donations.

Our elders feel called to help plant a new church in Southaven. Specifically, we are praying for an African-American church planter. This work is in the very early stages. Please pray for God to send the right man to lead it!

To better serve Desoto County, we created a brief Gift Survey. Help us do our job “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…” (Ephesians 4:12) (

Giving to the church is an act of worship. “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Cor. 9:7) If you are committed to this church and would like to support the ministry financially, there’s an offering box on the entry table. You may also give online ( or text any dollar amount to: 84321

Financial Snapshot Year to Date 
  Year to Date  Better/(Worse) 
Sep ’24 Jul ’24 – Sep ’24 than Budget 
Expenses$ 17,511$ 56,2761,830
Net Surplus(/Deficit)$ 3,438$ 5,193$ 6,299
Outside Giving1,0409,612(1,130)
Total Surplus/(Deficit)$ 4,478$ 14,805$ 5,169
Ending Church Balance$ 106,250