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Weekly Devotional

Luke 11:37-54

Day 1: Seeing Beyond the Outward Appearance (Luke 11:37-41)

The passage begins with Jesus being invited to dine at a Pharisee’s house. Pharisees were known for their strict adherence to religious law, including ritual washing before meals. The Pharisee is astonished to see that Jesus does not wash before eating.

This sets the stage for Jesus’ powerful rebuke. He tells the Pharisee that they are concerned with outward appearances, but their hearts are full of greed and wickedness. They focus on following religious rules, but they neglect the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy, and love (Matthew 23:23).

Reflection: How can we tell that our faith is more than just outward appearances? Do our actions reflect our beliefs?

Day 2: Called to Repentance (Luke 11:42-43)

Jesus calls the Pharisees “fools” for their misplaced priorities. They are concerned with ceremonial cleanness, while neglecting the inward condition of their hearts.

This may seem harsh, but Jesus’ words are meant to be a call to repentance. He wants the Pharisees to see their error and turn to God.

Reflection: Have you ever been challenged by something Jesus said? How did you respond?

Day 3: The Importance of Generosity (Luke 11:44)

Jesus instructs the Pharisees to “give as alms those things that are within.” In other words, they are to be generous from the heart. True righteousness is not about following external rules, but about having a heart that is generous and loving.

Reflection: In what ways can we be more generous in our everyday lives? How can we cultivate a heart of generosity?

Day 4: True Cleanliness (Luke 11:45-48)

One of the lawyers present questions Jesus’ rebuke of the Pharisees. Jesus responds with a parable about a cup that is clean on the outside but dirty on the inside. The point is that true cleanliness is not about outward appearances, but about inward purity.

Reflection: How can we know that our hearts are clean before God?

Day 5: Rejecting the Hypocrisy of the Religious Leaders (Luke 11:49-54)

Jesus concludes his teaching by denouncing the hypocrisy of the religious leaders. He says that they have “taken away the key of knowledge” from the people. In other words, they have ignored the importance of the Promised Messiah.

Reflection: How can we make sure that we are not a stumbling block to others seeking faith?